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The Incredible Life Of A Himalaya Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari | Shuddhaananda Brahmachari

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The Incredible Life Of A Himalaya Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari

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Author: Shuddhaananda Brahmachari

Added by: sivamctmt

Added Date: 2020-06-06

Language: eng

Subjects: Shuddhaananda Brahmachari, yoga, himalaya, saahitya, Dharma books, Hinduism books, Hinduism literature, literature, Dharma Texts, Additional Collections More

Collections: folkscanomy religion, folkscanomy, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 160.51 MB

PDF Size: 1.51 MB

Extensions: epub, pdf, gz, html, zip, torrent

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Media Type: texts


 ”Your material life and the natural tendency of desiring material happiness is divinely designed to take you to a state of higher evolution. Through this material desiring you reach a stage, where, through the Grace of the Divine, when the time is ripe, your mind turns towards God and His Glory. Your sexual energy changes and transforms itself into love for the Divine and you then transcend desire in the world of Bliss.


The sages and Satgurus who have lived and practiced in the Himalayas, as well as the infrequent few who reached their inaccessible caves, tell of meetings with yogis and rishis (seers of Truth) who are three to four hundreds years old. These great, ancient souls are ever lost in deep meditation. Oblivious to their body and to time, they remain absorbed in Cosmic Consciousness. They live in camouflaged caves at high altitudes so that only those pranayama siddhas (those having total mastery over their vital air) who are blessed by the grace of the Satgurus can reach them. The ongoing presence of these exalted sages in the Himalayas has intensified the spiritual energy field, which is why the Himalayas are considered the seat of spiritual culture for the world.



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