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The Requisites Of Enlightment – The Venerable Ledi Sayadaw | phapbao

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The Requisites Of Enlightment – The Venerable Ledi Sayadaw

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Author: phapbao

Added by: phapbaodhamma

Added Date: 2020-07-22

Publication Date: 2020-07-22

Language: vie

Subjects: Enlightment, Sayadaw, ducphat, phatgiao, phapbao

Collections: Books by Language, vietnamese, Books by Language,

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 43.83 MB

PDF Size: 1.81 MB

Extensions: epub, pdf, gz, zip, torrent

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Downloads: 104

Views: 154

Total Files: 13

Media Type: texts


In compliance with the request of the Pyinmana Myo-ok Maung Po Mya and Trader Maung Hla, during the month of Nayon, 1266 Burmese Era (June, 1904 C.E.), I shall state concisely the meaning and intent of the thirty-seven Bodhipakkhiya-dhammas, the Requisites of Enlightenment.
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