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Problems In Electrodynamics | V.V. Batygin; I.N. Toptygin

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Problems In Electrodynamics

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Author: V.V. Batygin; I.N. Toptygin

Added by: mirtitles

Added Date: 2022-02-08

Publication Date: 1964

Language: eng

Subjects: problem books, physics, problems and solutions, electrodynamics, vector and tensor calculus, electrostatics, magnetostatics, steady currents, quasi-stationary magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves More

Collections: mir-titles, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 252.13 MB

PDF Size: 11 MB

Extensions: epub, pdf, gz, html, zip, torrent

Year: 1964

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Downloads: 4.53K

Views: 54.53

Total Files: 16

Media Type: texts


This book contains about 750 problems on classical electro­ dynam ics and its m ore im portant applications, including over 150 problems on the special theory of relativity, and about 70 prob­ lems on vector and tensor analysis.
In addition to problems illustrating fundamental concepts and laws of electrodynam ics, which can be solved by purely m athe­ matical methods, the collection includes a large number of more complicated problems (these are indicated by asterisks). Some of the solutions involve a considerable amount of effort, while others are purely theoretical in nature and follow from a lecture course on electrodynam ics (propagation of waves in anisotropic and gyrotropic media, motion of charged particles in the electro­ magnetic field, representation of the electromagnetic field by a
set of oscillators, and so on). Finally, there are problems which are concerned with topics which are not well covered by existing texts, for example, interaction of charged particles with m atter (Chapter XIII), applications of conservation laws to the analysis of collision processes and particle disintegration (Chapter XI), ferro­ magnetic resonance (Chapter VI), and so on.
The second part of the book gives answers and solutions to a large number of these problems.
Each section is prefaced by a short theoretical introduction in which the necessary formulae are given. These short intro­ ductions do not pretend to be complete; more extensive treat­ ments will be found in the books listed in the bibliography.
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