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The Martlet (December 07, 1951) | Victoria College and University of Victoria

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The Martlet (December 07, 1951)

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Author: Victoria College and University of Victoria

Added by: digitization

Added Date: 2017-01-05

Publication Date: 1951-12-07

Language: eng

Subjects: Victoria College, newspapers, periodicals.

Collections: martlet, universityofvictorialibraries, toronto

Pages Count: 400

PPI Count: 400

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 23.64 MB

PDF Size: 2.42 MB

Extensions: gif, pdf, gz, zip, torrent

Year: 1951

Archive Url

Downloads: 116

Views: 166

Total Files: 12

Media Type: texts


The Martlet superseded the Microscope as the student newspaper at Victoria College 1948-     .  Issues for Jan. 16-Mar. 20, 1970 published as Cougar City Gazette; resumed Martlet with Mar. 26, 1970. LH3 M3a
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