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Return To Little Russia: A 4 star international thriller inspired by true events and written by a former inter | Seth Chanowitz

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Return To Little Russia: A 4 star international thriller inspired by true events and written by a former inter

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Author: Seth Chanowitz

Added by: schanowitz

Added Date: 2018-01-13

Publication Date: 2017-02-17

Language: eng

Subjects: Finland; Soviet; spy thriller; Russian; espionage; Jewish; Finns; Nordic; fiction; free ebook; true events; jews; Russia; sauna; banya; ebook; Soviet Union; Estonia; crime; thriller; jewish literature; New York City; immigrants; spy thriller; soviet jews; multi-cultural literature; spy; international thriller; mystery; intelligence; shortwave radio; international radio; KGB; Russian spy; 4-star; political asylum; Albanian; Albanian mob; Kosovo; Brooklyn; Brighton Beach; Sheepshead Bay; Brooklyn Jews; Cold War; Cold War broadcasting; Israel; Mossad; FSB;

Publishers: Seth Chanowitz

Collections: folkscanomy fiction, folkscanomy, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

Total Size: 10.95 MB

Extensions: gz, torrent, epub, doc

Rights: Seth Chanowitz owns the rights

Year: 2017

Contributor: Seth Chanowitz

Archive Url

License: Unknown License

Downloads: 20.53K

Views: 70.53

Total Files: 14

Media Type: texts


See blog/author website: https://schanowitz.wixsite.com/website  You can read about Mr. Chanowitz's Helsingin Sanomat interview, past journalistic articles, his White House and Congressional experience, his former US intelligence background, and experiences in Finland at the website/blog. This is the Return to Little Russia interview with author: https://schanowitz.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2017/07/25/Return-to-Little-Russia-Interview   This novel is also free to download (price may change) at smashwords, iBooks, kobo.com and B&N. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/699431  The author was the subject of an interview in Helsinkin Sanomat: https://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000005046207.html  Also, check out about life in Finland with an article published by Seth Chanowitz about Radio Finland's international correspondent: https://archive.org/details/2991Copy . See Jewish Book World Review: https://jewishbookworld.org/2019/05/return-to-little-russia-by-seth-chanowitz/?fbclid=IwAR1uuEoJlff2FPkjPdAcnd9D2doF3x1RwW_UxL9k6iUQbJZIjrrC1cq89yk

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“Return to Little Russia” is an international, mystery thriller inspired by true events that takes readers on a suspense-filled journey from Helsinki, Finland to the ethnic neighborhoods of Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx in New York City, and drags them into the murky world of spies, immigration, and corruption during the late 1990s. The novel encompasses action that takes place in Boston, New York, Washington DC, Helsinki, and Tallinn, and involves clandestine United States government and Finnish Security Intelligence Service operatives.

Maksim Feldblyum Issacovich, a Russian-speaking Jewish journalist working for Radio Finland born in Soviet occupied Tallinn, Estonia, is ordered to leave Finland and journeys back to his family’s home in Brighton Beach, New York (“Little Russia”). In New York City, he works for the beleaguered Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in Manhattan and as co-CEO of an exciting Internet start-up firm SPEEDNET New York, learns of his family’s oppression by the Soviet KGB, his future with a mysterious Helsinki-based academic named Sofia Valtonen, and discovers his life-threatening connection to a news story he reported on in 1997 detailing four dead Finnish peacekeepers in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

“Return to Little Russia” provides great suspense and thrills when Maksim is forced to flee New York City after Albanian operatives target him. When Sofia appears mysteriously in New York and shows up in a meeting, Maksim becomes aware that circumstances are not what they seem. Who is on his side and how will he escape the violence targeting him?

About the author:

Mr. Chanowitz is the author of the internationally selling spy thriller novel, "Russia Rising", which is available on Amazon and was featured in Finland's largest newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat." His novels are also stocked in libraries in the United States and throughout Finland. He is a former intelligence analyst and journalist, who has worked at the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and the National Counter Terrorism Center. As an analyst, Mr. Chanowitz authored numerous analytical assessments for policy makers within the United States government, to include the Presidential Daily Brief. 

Mr Chanowitz also authored numerous feature articles for“Monitoring Times Magazine” and “Satellite Times Magazine” relating to international radio and satellite broadcasting issues. For two years, he wrote and produced radio commercials for Senatorial and Congressional campaigns in Washington DC for a congressional committee. He also possess a decade of experience working for the United States government through out the US and in 14 countries in Africa and Eastern/Western Europe.

Mr. Chanowitz lives in the United States and Nordic countries, where he engages in consulting and authoring spy-related thriller novels. He has lived and worked in Helsinki, Finland. He has also worked for the United States government in refugee camps in Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, and at United States Consulates and Embassies in Russia, Germany, and Serbia. He has completed 40 marathons, half-marathons, and ten-milers in the United States, Kenya, and the Nordic Countries. He speaks with degrees of fluency in Spanish, Finnish, Hebrew, and Russian.

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