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Alien Minds | E. Everett Evans

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Alien Minds

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Author: E. Everett Evans

Added by: eric

Added Date: 2016-02-07

Publication Date: 1955

Language: eng

Subjects: science fiction

Collections: folkscanomy miscellaneous, folkscanomy, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 122.69 MB

PDF Size: 931.79 KB

Extensions: djvu, epub, gif, mobi, pdf, torrent, gz, zip

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License: Public Domain Mark 1.0

Downloads: 1.18K

Views: 51.18

Total Files: 15

Media Type: texts


The ability to read minds isn't an unmixed blessing, so learns George Hanlon, Secret Operative of the Inter-Stellar Corps. His unique gift helps him with his assignments, of course-except that he has a lot of trouble with alien minds. He encounters a whole planet full of alien minds on Estrella when the semi-human inhabitants of this Earth-like world of another sun decide that they want nothing to do with the Federation Planets. Hanlon's investigation's lead him into complications and troubles, all of which contribute to the entertainment of this tale of intrigue on a distant world.

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